Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Case study of Clinical Healthcare INC †

Question: Discuss about the Case study of Clinical Healthcare INC. Answer: Key problems in Clinical Healthcare Inc The problems identified in context to the case of Clinical Healthcare Inc that is specialized in infusion therapy are presented as below: Green screen applications and lot of home-grown software: This problem is one of the primary concern of Brett Michalak who joined the company as CIO. It is found that company is using the applications that have been implemented during the foundation. There was no update or upgrade performed on the applications over the last 20 years. Loss of data during visit of nurses: The Company provides the infusion therapies at home of patients or at outpatient centre that offers the patients with flexibility so that they can lead a normal lifestyle. The company offers services at home so that the patients do not have to visit the hospital or facility and patients do not have to take admission for receiving the therapies. Hence, the nurses have to often leave the company for visiting the patients at home. During their visit, the company is unable to get in touch with them as there is no particular system. Thus, the entire process gets delayed as data cannot be received until return of the nurses. Aged IT infrastructure: The core application being used by the company is a home grown pharmacy management system which was not updated or upgraded since implementation. The system is character based and can be accessed using only the dumb terminals which means that only green letters are visible on a black background with no mouse support. Data extraction from the system: The system seems to work fine but there is no provision to extract data for future planning as it does not supports any such application. Time for arrangement and delivery of infusion services: The core business process of delivering the infusion services is slow and hence there is a need to reduce the latency associated with the process. Prioritization of all key problems: Analysis of two problems The most problematic issues that have been identified in context to the particular case of Clinical Healthcare Inc are Aged IT infrastructure and Extraction of data from the system. The identified problems need to be addressed with utmost priority as those are hindering progress of the company. The system being used in the company is a home grown pharmacy management system that has not been updated or upgraded since implementation. Hence, the present IT infrastructure is not suitable for carrying out the required operations and business processes. The applications being used in the system are also outdated and there is no support for other applications. The data is an essential element for determining the performance baseline of a company and it is also required for planning in the future. The present system being implemented in the organization does not provides a scope so that data can be extracted and assessed to plan future capacity expansions. Treatment of the problems The problems being identified in context to the Clinical Healthcare Inc can be treated by using the Russel Ackoff framework. In (2018), it is mentioned that Ackoff states problems may consist of either opportunities or threats. There are four different ways of solving problems such as Absolution, Resolution, Solution and Dissolution. The best possible way for solving the problems in context to Clinical Healthcare Inc is Dissolution. This method means to redesign the entire society or environment. The major reason behind undertaking Dissolution as the suitable way is that it will help to eliminate the problems or the conditions that leads to the problems. This method will help the company to excel more in future rather than doing better today by using the other ways to solve their problems. The methodology that is used in Dissolution for solving problems is System Thinking which helps to generate favorable outcomes in future. Designating the identified key problems The identified problems in context to the Healthcare Inc are considered to be Soft system problems as those can be solved by implementing the Soft systems methodology. The problems being identified on behalf of the company are messy as there is no specific definition of the issues. The soft systems methodology is used where the organizational problems are messy and not properly defined (Kang, Shim and Pack 2016). The problems identified are mostly related to human factors as the major issue being faced by the company is delay in entire process of delivering treatment to the patients. The visit of nurses to the patients creates a gap in information flow within the system as during their visit to patients no data is being received by the system. The outdated applications are being used in the company as the person responsible for this activity has not taken care of the system. The home grown system was not properly designed to meet requirements of the company in future. The current sys tem is unable to provide reports as the developer did not provided such functionality and there is also no scope for running other applications which can be also considered as the human factor (Wilson and Van Haperen 2015). Hence, it is evident that the identified problems are soft system problems as there are many suitable reasons associated with the decision. Identification of key stakeholders and problem owners In context to the Clinical Healthcare Inc case study, the stakeholders and problem owners has been identified as below: Brett Michalak This stakeholder plays an important role and have high influence as he has been appointed to be the new CIO of the company. He has responsibility to analyze the current situation of Clinical Healthcare Inc and improve the processes that are being carried out by the company. Providers This stakeholders also has an essential role to play in the company as they are involved with managing logistics for the entire ecosystem. The management by providers is required for successful delivery of treatments being offered by the company. Nurses The Nurses can be considered as a significant stakeholder as well as problem owner. This stakeholder has the responsibility of providing treatment to the patients at their home of outpatient centre. The nurses have to often leave the company for providing therapies to the patients and at that time the company is unable to maintain any contact with them and no information is received during that period. The data is input into the system only after return of the nurses so it delays the entire process. Hence, this arises as a major problem as nurses visit the patients. Models, tools and techniques for analysis of current system In context to the case study of Clinical Healthcare Inc, it has been determined that Object Oriented Analysis along with Structured Analysis can be used for analyzing the current system. The techniques associated with Object Oriented Analysis are object modelling, dynamic modelling and functional modelling. Object Modelling This technique is used for developing structure required to design software system by implementation of objects. The objects are being identified and those are being grouped in classes along with demonstrating relationships among them (Dennis, Wixom and Tegarden 2015). In this technique, the main attributes are being characterize along with the operations that will be performed by each class. Dynamic Modelling This technique is applied after the completion of object modelling in which the behavior of the system is analyzed in terms of time as well as external changes. In this stage, the process of respond by an individual object to an event is being determined. Functional Modelling It is considered as the final element to be used for Object Oriented Analysis (Marron and Alonso 2014). It provides an illustration on the processes that are being performed within a particular object and how data conversion takes place while moving between methods. Hence, the described techniques of Object Oriented Analysis can be used for analyzing the current system to determine whether proper objects has been defined and data conversion takes place successfully. Structured Analysis is an approach that is commonly used for development of software and it is based on waterfall model. The focus of Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) is on data while Structured Analysis focuses on procedures (Chitchyan et al. 2015). The Structured Analysis can be easily comprehended as it follows a top-down approach and bottom-up approach is being followed by Object Oriented Analysis. In OOA, there are principles of data encapsulation or hiding that helps the developer in developing the system such that there is no scope for tampering other parts associated with the system. The complexity of software can be managed effectively by modularity in Object Oriented Analysis. In OOA, the upgradation of systems from small to large can be done with ease that the systems that follow structured analysis (Wasson 2015). The Structured Analysis entirely gives emphasis on functionality in which the functional decomposition is done to develop the software. This emphasis help to bette r understand the system and also generate more complete systems. The specifications being used in Structured Analysis are written in English language so that it can be easily analyzed by non-technical persons. The functionality of Object Oriented Analysis is confined within objects and that may arise as a problem procedural or computational systems. There is no scope to identify the objects that are capable of generating an optimal design for the system (Valacich, George and Hoffer 2014). The models in OOA does not easily illustrates on the communications in between objects within a system. It is not possible to represent the different interfaces among the objects in a single diagram. In models implemented with structured analysis, there is a requirement that one phase has to be completed before proceeding with next phase. Hence, there remains a problem associated with design if errors occur or there is change in requirements (Kalinga and Ambakisye 2018). The initial construction cost of system using structured analysis is high hence there is a need to develop the system at once as very little scope exists for adding functionality at a later stage. In structured analysis, there is no suppo rt for reusing the code hence the time and cost required for developing systems using this technique is high as compared to Object Oriented Analysis. Rich picture Figure 1: Rich picture in context to Clinical Healthcare Inc (Source: Created by Author) The rich picture presented above reflects the problems that has been identified in relation to the current system being used by Clinical Healthcare Inc. The problems are presented separately in a box to demonstrate an understanding about the issues then the major stakeholders are being illustrated that are directly or indirectly related to the problems in the company. The next step reflects 2 most problematic concerns of the company and the associated stakeholder is also linked with them. Finally, a method for solving the problems has been demonstrated to resolve the issues being faced by the company. The major reason behind undertaking Dissolution as the suitable way is that it will help to eliminate the problems or the conditions that leads to the problems. Evaluation and placement of SSM In context to the Matrix of method categories presented by Blum (1994), SSM (Soft Systems Methodology) can be placed in Quadrant I as it relates to understanding of the problem rather than a solution. The SSM also deals with providing an insight into the problems in a detailed manner rather than providing a solution to eliminate the issues. Hence, Quadrant I is chosen to be suitable for placing SSM in the Matrix of method categories. The solutions are presented in a form such that those can be questioned by the specialists. This method generally involves developing a conceptual model for solving the problems rather than implementing a solution. 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